In the quest to build a successful business, sooner or later you’ll realize you need a social media strategy. When doing so, the down side is all the options, which can overwhelm you quickly. In my blog are articles to look at several different strategies, as well as things to avoid.
Begin by Creating a Mind Map
A mind map is one of the fastest ways of coming up with new ideas. You place your name in the center and circle it, then let your mind come up with all sorts of ideas represented by the lines radiating out. The main heading for each idea is at the top of each arm. From there, you can list other ideas as they flash into your mind. The process takes only a few minutes. As a way of getting started, pick three ideas that resonate most with you and begin there.
Define Your Goals
It’s important to define the purpose of your social media campaign(s). Is it to be a one-time affair? Is it to promote a product/service launch? Is it to build your brand? All of your short and long-term plans need to be taken into account and written down.
The Importance of List Building
When creating a social media strategy, list building (using an autorsresponder) should be one of the top priorities. If you only focus on the one-time goal of selling your product or service, you’re missing out on many more opportunities to sell to the same client over and over again. Selling after the fact is much easier to do with a customer that trusts you. More to the point, the customers on your list are likely to represent as much as 90% or more of your income over the long-term. There are many 3rd party autoresponder providers available. A few of them are: Aweber, iContact, Constant Contact and MailChimp.
Beware of Shiny Object Syndrome
This is the tendency to become distracted by the many tools, opportunities and ideas that are available. Symptoms of Shiny Object Syndrome are: Procrastination, poor decision making, wasted resources and unfinished projects. Going for every strategy that comes into your life can quickly dilute your focus and seriously impair your ability to get things done. The antidote is to choose only a few tools to use, stay focused and work with a schedule. The emphasis is on productivity and reducing distractions.
Outsource Your Marketing Efforts
One challenge you’ll have when marketing is time. If this is an issue, consider outsourcing some or all of your marketing, using sites such as: Odesk, Elance, Fiverr, etc.
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Note: Be aware that the people who post on these sites might not be competent. It’s a good practice to test them with a small project, first, to see how they perform before giving that person a large project. Another way is to find someone in your network you can trust.
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> This is where you give users a reason to want to be a part of your marketing effort.
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